UIkit grid accordance to Bootstrap grid

Recently i've started using amazing UIkit for website development https://getuikit.com/ But i faced one pretty sad problem. Uikit is using a little bit different grid system from Bootstrap. So, because of this and because our Designers still be doing their designs as for 12 columns, i put together UIkit grid accordance to Bootstrap grid table.

Bootstrap cols out of 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
UIkit width options - 1/6 1/4 1/3 2/5 1/2 3/5 2/3 3/4 5/6 - 1/1
Percentage of page container 8.3% 16,6% 25% 33,3% 41,6% 50% 58,3% 66,6% 75% 83,3% 91,6 100%

And also here are available classes for columns width for UIkit:

Unique = %can't be used (use unique)
uk-column-1-2 = 50%uk-column-2-4 = uk-column-3-6
uk-column-1-3 = 33.3%uk-column-2-6
uk-column-2-3 = 66.6%uk-column-4-6
uk-column-1-4 = 25%
uk-column-3-4 = 75%
uk-column-1-5 = 20%
uk-column-2-5 = 40%
uk-column-3-5 = 60%
uk-column-4-5 = 80%
uk-column-1-6 = 16.6%
uk-column-5-6 = 83.3%
© 2025 Helena Boitsova